
What happens to your posts when a forum goes out of business?

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What happens to your posts when a forum goes out of business?

Over the past year or so, I've done forum posting gigs on numerous forums (from gigs obtained on and it's been really fun and easy work. I love doing this type of gig as I get to socialize and talk with others and learn a lot too by reading the other posts. But one thing that bothers me is how sometimes these forums go out of business and all those posts made are lost. I don't keep copies of my forum posts as all posts that I make are original and never reused. It just seems sad to have put so much work and effort into a forum and then it goes away. But i guess these situations are unavoidable. Just wondering if any of you have ever been in that same situation?


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Maybe the owner kept those posts and will use the content again? Otherwise, I guess the forum posts and content are lost What happens to your posts when a forum goes out of business?

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If he kept the databases, he would be able to merge those old posts into a new forum. In that way, he would have use of your posts again.

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They're stored in the forum database but if the site/forum goes offline for good, there's sadly probably no use for the webmaster to store it.

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Why don't you just keep a copy of your post and if the person shuts down their forum then you would be able to reuse the post when you wanted it.

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Why don't you just keep a copy of your post and if the person shuts down their forum then you would be able to reuse the post when you wanted it.

I like to create new content every time I post on a forum, even if I have talked about the same topic 100 times before. Every post I create is unique and original. If I were to copy and use something that I had posted on another forum, I would feel as if that's being unfair to my customer. And, that's not something I can live with.

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Now a days its a very common thing that moderator delete the use full post also.

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Now a days its a very common thing that moderator delete the use full post also.

Quality is subjective and what might see like a good post to the person making it might look like spam to a moderator. It will all just depend on the person viewing the post. You should look around a forum to see what the other posts look like so you know how to write acceptable posts which will stay up on the forum.

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There is nothing you could do about it. Status of websites are always changing, and it depends on the owner whether to keep the forum alive.

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There is nothing you could do about it. Status of websites are always changing, and it depends on the owner whether to keep the forum alive.

So many forum owners hand off the job of promotion to another person and expect that it will be done. Ultimately, the forum's success depends on promotion efforts conducted by the owner, whether that means placing ads or recruiting members.

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I guess the posts are gone for good when the forum shuts down. Like this forum, I have many posts here and if it closes then it’s goodbye. And although I have a copy of all my posts since I make it a point to write in a word document for posterity, I don’t think I will re-use the posts that I had previously made. It’s better to just write a new one and if ever, what I would re-use is the idea or the topic but never the post itself.

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