
what exactly is level X requirement?

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what exactly is level X requirement?

i need to know what exactly do you mean by getting noticed by the staff, as for me, i have sent a few support tickets and queries since i have joined. what else need to be done?


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Level X members are manually chosen by Staff. There is no specific way to become Level X but you must be Level 3 before you can be promoted to Level X. Other than this requirement, you must get noticed by staff in some way.

Examples of what other sellers have done that made us notice:

Informing buyers how to reject/cancel if work is not satisfactory. This ensured the buyer was happy or more work would be done.
Giving buyers free orders for ordering other seller products.
Recommending other seller gigs over their own to ensure buyer satisfaction.
Using SEOClerks as the payment source for your website.
Constantly contributing to the FAQ and/or Forum above and beyond user level requirements.
Reporting Gigs, Forum and FAQ items that violate our TOS.
Asking to become Level X will generally remove you from our list of nominees. Do not ask to become Level X.

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ajlancer has covered the answer quite accurately but I will add in to make it very clear that Level X is chosen by staff because we notice you and not for a specific reason we may notice you. Getting noticed from asking us for Level X will not in any way help your chances and if anything may hold you back(Not in any serious way but it will in no way help you).

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Its not a matter of "been in touch" because this isn't a process. Keep earning and provide quality services and don't think about it. You may be promoted at one point or your may never be promoted.
This is how it goes and you can't really have a say in all of this.

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ajlancer's on the right track to becoming Level X perhaps.

I actually became Level X just by answering people's FAQ's. This was not my intention, of course. I really never thought I'd ever get elected. Then one day, I got a message from Admin. telling my I've been selected.
So, I can't really speak for anyone else, because every case is different. There are SO many ways one could become Level X, I don't want to limit people's imagination. That's just MY little story.

Be creative. Think outside the box about ways you might help 530C13RK5 become a better site. Most of all, make sure you enjoy whatever it is you're doing. That way, if you DON'T ever get selected, at least you're having fun!!


what exactly is level X requirement?

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member of x level is chose by staff . if your work is like to staff then they will promot you on x level.

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The admin has to make the first move. If they think you're worthy, they will contact you and upgrade you to X

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x level will be select from seoclerk staffs .. We cont send support tickets for x level

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x level will be selected by seoclerk staffs, we cont send support tickets for that

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x level will be selected by seoclerk staffs, we cont send support tickets for that

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the seo team will be selecteing that x level members

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well Firstly you need to be a expert to become a X level, "Getting noticed by the staff" means you must contact Admin to become x level.

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Perhaps you made a "typo", but it's the other way around. Admin must contact YOU.

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Must be Level 3
Must get noticed by Staff (emails and lame support tickets only annoy us)

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