
When forum members act drunk

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When forum members act drunk

I used to be part of this really large forum where members would get on during weekend hours acting drunk. They didn't say anything about drinking but many acted beligerant and hostile and easily riled up. I'm wondering why staff members allowed people to post drunk like that. And, what would you do if this happened on your forum?


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You might warn the person by private message to take the day off and get some sleep or mention how they seem to be acting irritable. Don't expect a good reaction though. Still it's your job as admin or moderator to keep the peace for everyone, not just tolerate a few favorites.

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Maybe this type of behavior happens when the forum doesn't have any active on board moderators. You need a moderator who can step in and tell them to tone down the abrasive behavior. If you see this happening on a site, that just means the staff has lost control or just doesn't care.

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You can't really control what someone does in their personal time or space. But if they are going to visit your forum, then they need to act civilized, even if intoxicated. Otherwise, they should just find somewhere else to be.

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Maybe this hostile behavior was acceptable on other forums, so they assumed it was alright to do on the forum where you were at. This can happen, where a forum member picks up a bad attitude one place and just vents all over everyone elsewhere online.

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I agree that you need to warn the member that is doing this. Let them know that it is unacceptable and the next time it happens they will be banned.

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This would make me very mad. And they sometimes think that they are funny for doing it when in reality they are only making them selves sound really stupid.

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Why is the only question I have? Why would you get on a forum and act drunk or get on one when you were drunk?

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Why is the only question I have? Why would you get on a forum and act drunk or get on one when you were drunk?

Some people have nothing better to do with their time. Often, these people often come across as trolls or just use trolling behavior. But, you can always note a difference in the way they act when in sane mind and when slightly off their game.

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This is funny to me because I have experienced being in a forum where a member was posting insignificant comments that is way out of line. The mod would reply to the comment to ask if the member was drunk. That happened in several instances. And to be honest, I don’t think the guy is drunk but maybe high on drugs. With his comments and reactions to the replies to his comments, he was not with us. Maybe he should be suspended for a while until he becomes sober.

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