
Do you require new members to post introductions?

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Do you require new members to post introductions?

What are the advantages of requiring new members to post an introduction before they are allowed to post in any other area of your forum? Are there disadvantages to requiring this?


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The only reason I could see for requiring a new member to post an introduction is to discourage spam posting. Though many times, a spam bot will automatically post an intro anyway, though sometimes the content of the intro makes no sense.

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It's actually true that some writers aren't good with introduction but that doesn't warrant scrapping the introduction section. The benefits of having the introduction page is far more important than some writers poor content message in some of their introductory messages.

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Introduction is the best way to start up any activities on any forum or blog. In fact, it's the right normal thing to do. One can't just up and about and jump into a forum/blog and just start posting immediately. It's not right.

Personally, to my understanding, the introduction helps with the bonding of the members of the group.

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I find the introduction board important because that is one way of validating the membership. And although the introductory post is more often generic template in style, that’s still a valuable piece of information. Perhaps you can post your own introduction with salient information that can serve as a guide for the new members. That means it’s not just a simple posting of the name and origin. How about including your career, family and lifestyle?

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