
Does spam attract spammers?

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Does spam attract spammers?

Have you noticed how some sites have lots and lots of spam? Maybe spam activity just brings more spam, so spammers who show up and see the spam know that site is not moderated well and drop links and spam everywhere. So how do you ensure this doesn't happen to your forum?


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Obviously, if a spammer comes to your site and sees there is no active moderation they will take a shot at spamming the links and spam on your site too. That's just common sense as most spammers are opportunists.

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If you're not going to be on your forum daily, at least hire someone who can invest the time to clean up spam. If that's not an option then require approval on all new posts. That will stop spammers from taking over your forum and you won't have a spam issue to deal with.

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Keeping your blog spam free is key to a good looking site. If your site is unmoderated, then spammers will add you to a list of unmoderated sites (which is often republished on forums) and that will multiply the spam you get.

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Hiring a moderator to do the work for you is a good option if you can not get to the spam yourself. If you are not online everyday, then spam can get really bad.

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Hiring a moderator to do the work for you is a good option if you can not get to the spam yourself. If you are not online everyday, then spam can get really bad.

A very good idea, especially if you could hire a moderator for each time zone so your forum is moderated at all hours of the day. Spam can be a forum killer, so no need to put up with it, if you have trained staff that can eliminate the problem easily.

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