
Do you require approval for your forum?

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Do you require approval for your forum?

Sometimes, when I register for a new forum, they require admin approval of all memberships. Why do some forums do this? What's the purpose in requiring that all accounts be approved?


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Many webmaster and admin forums have been spammed by new members. So now they require approval from the admin. This is very common especially when the spam is very bad.

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Requiring approval by staff or admin is a bad idea if you have a very new forum as this will only discourage new member sign ups which could prevent your forum from growing quickly. It's not much work to delete fake bot accounts as they are created or simply install better spam mods.

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I feel that this is a good idea because then you may not get as many spammers on your site.

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Requiring approval will surly help with your chances of spam on the site. I think that it is a great idea to have approval first.

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I understand this thread because I have been encountering some forums with the approval requirement that sometimes it takes days before the registration gets a go signal. In fact, there was a forum that took several weeks before I received an email about the approval and I have several registrations that didn’t get approval. It is the right of the admin to require such approvals especially if they are choosy with new members. I know some forums that are a bit paranoid. Maybe they have enemies?

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