
Sellers should be able to Leave Feedback for Buyers too. If agree leave comments. At least yes or no

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Sellers should be able to Leave Feedback for Buyers too. If agree leave comments. At least yes or no

Protect your work and take precaution before work

Yes we keenly expect buyer feedback must to able to seller and it must to visible for all example seller feedback. Because we saw many buyers after getting service correctly they reject work and giving threat if we are not accept cancellation they will leave negative feedback even work 100% have done correctly as gig commitment. So seller always sufferer and loser by those dishonest or fake buyer. If seller able to leave feedback to buyer same way and if other seller can possible to see buyer feedback they can take precaution before doing his/her works. I think it must ensure more responsibility between buyer and seller. I hope we will see buyer and seller feedback same way as rapidly as possible. it may per better for all.


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Having sellers being able to leave feedback for buyers isn't realistic. For one, you'll get far too many sellers writing negative comments on honest buyers because of the buyer rejecting for a good reason. That's a reality and will cause a mess.

In addition, they're just buyers. They have nothing setup on there account like gigs, levels and things that sellers care about so they would just go and make another account and no one would ever know.

I understand some buyers can be dishonest but if a buyer does anything that isn't right then a help desk ticket only needs to be put in and then it can be dealt with if that really is the case.

SEOClerks doesn't allow buyers who are doing wrong to continue here and further measures can always be taken to ensure they can no longer be on the site, even with creating another account.

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I am agree with your first 3 lines. Yes buyer can create another account but it is protect-able. If you allow one account from one IP. And desk ticket does not do nothing against buyer. I can give you one example. I have one promotion gig and I done job 100% correctly as my gig details. But Buyer reject my order and he wants something different which unrelated or unexplained in gig. I explained to buyer what about my gig actually So then, he wants reject again because he knows I already done job for him and If I delivery again he can give me negative feedback and he was threat me. I inform to admin and admin says this point nothing to do.
So what a seller benefit even 100% right to get money and job done?
This point of view admin had to take step and could see delivery report and gig details both are done a seller as gig commitment or not. Finally I obey to canceled that order. What was wrong to me? I do not know.
So many seller getting problem every day from this type of buyer. So we need protection. And we want equal importance for buyer and seller.

And do not forget it a seller can become buyer any moment.

Lastly If possible please protect us from dishonest buyer. And save us from unusual negative feedback. If possible please active moderation by admin only for negative feedback.

If I am wrong sorry for above explanation


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I'm not sure about the help desk ticket you're referring too as that doesn't seem right if that's the situation. Feel free free to send me a direct message and I'll look into what that is actually about.

We value buyers and sellers 100% equal and treat them 100% equal. There is no favor to either side. If we see a buyer is doing something wrong we stop it/handle it and that's exactly the same with if it's a seller.

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Great answer!

In addition to Karoshio's response, what purpose would buyer feedback enable? You can't reject orders and force canceling causes a negative rating on your account as seller. There really seems to be no practical reason for ratings on buyers.

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At least have to active few norms against fake buyer basis on user level or selling.
And would take step according to Jordan opinion.

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yes, that is great idea!

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I am completely agree with you.

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Yea, Its a great idea for sellers and buyers too.

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yes i too agree with this thay should have this facility too

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