
How can you ensure all members read forum rules?

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How can you ensure all members read forum rules?

How can you be sure your forum members have read all your rules on forum post etiquette and signature line rules? What are you doing to make sure they know what rules are imposed?


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You could create a rules thread and post every rule of the forum and then require all new (and active current) members to post a response in the thread acknowledging they have read the rules. It might take some time for everyone to create a response post (and to check all posts) but at least it would let you know who has and has not been paying attention.

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Sticky threads with forum rules, auto-message few days after registration like "Have you read the rules...?" etc.

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Tbh, there will never be a way that you can MAKE everyone read the rules.
All you can do as the administrator is to place rules where convenient and punish those who goes against them and constantly refer them back to the rules.

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You could create a rules thread and post every rule of the forum and then require all new (and active current) members to post a response in the thread acknowledging they have read the rules. It might take some time for everyone to create a response post (and to check all posts) but at least it would let you know who has and has not been paying attention.

This is an awesome idea Beverly. I am going to write it down in my notebook for the forum I want to create one day once I learn more.

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Sticky threads with forum rules, auto-message few days after registration like "Have you read the rules...?" etc.

A friendly email reminder to all members is a good way to ensure they have no excuse. Then again, many members will simply not open emails. But at least you have tried and that's about all you can do. Those who care will try to follow the rules, the others will not even if they have read the rules.

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Yes Beverly the email is also a great idea for ensuring they all know what is expected of them. But sometimes they see these as spam, and just delete them so it may be a wasted cause.

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To be frank, I don’t read the rules of the forum when I register. I just click on the agree button and continue with filling in the blanks. In fairness to me, I know that I’m not the only one ignoring the rules because it is very long. What I usually read is when I am going to make my first post are the other introductory posts. If most are long then I make a long one otherwise just a short introduction will do. And maybe you can force the members to read the rules if you will post a notice with big fonts that one can be banned for violation of the rules. That will drive home the point, I guess.

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