
How i submit the order as completed if it completed before time limit?

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How i submit the order as completed if it completed before time limit?

Please give the link through which i can mark the order as completed?


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just go to that order and submit your comments if you want or leave the area blank

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if you are buyer and you submit you order, you need to wait till seller can review, and you can't complete order yourself because seller need to review or accept the order.. and if seller didn't respond you need to wait for 8 days, order will automatically marked as completed!

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Go to Manage sales,click Your completed gig and click delivered ,Write deliver notes and submit it.

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You are the buyer of gig or seller?
If you are buyer, and have already delivered the order, then you will have to wait for your buyer to review it. Once he marks it as complete, it will be completed. However if buyer doesnt review it, order will be still marked as complete in 8 days, if there are not any issues.

If you are buyer, and your order was completed by your seller, simply write in some feedback on order page and click done.


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