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How to spot a link spammer

What are some of the signs that a forum member is only interested in leaving a signature link and not really concerned with contributing good content to the forum?


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It's easy to spot a link spammer as their post count will be the exact minimum required to get a signature link. And, once they have that link, they will never come back to add more posts as they think their link is secure.

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If they mention link building as part of their intro or signature line, or put the words 'this spot for sale' in the signature line, then it's possible they are only wanting the signature line privilege.

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A forum member who is always inserting their own link inside the forum post as if it's helpful is most likely just a link spammer. These people pretend to be helpful but they are no better than any other spammer.

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It's easy to spot a link spammer as their post count will be the exact minimum required to get a signature link. And, once they have that link, they will never come back to add more posts as they think their link is secure.

That's easy to remedy. If I see a user who has not visited for a long time and has very few posts, but has a signature line in place, then I will simply delete their signature line and leave up the posts. If they ever choose to return and become an active forum member again, then they are welcome to the signature line.

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If they mention link building as part of their intro or signature line, or put the words 'this spot for sale' in the signature line, then it's possible they are only wanting the signature line privilege.

It bugs me when people do this. They should be more subtle if they are selling links.

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Some link spammers are sneaky and wait awhile to add a link to the post. That is why you should have a limit on time allowed to edit the post.

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What are some of the signs that a forum member is only interested in leaving a signature link and not really concerned with contributing good content to the forum?

A link spammer will join a forum and then rush through making many nonsense posts (such as "I agree"; 'thank you for this post", etc) and not really bother contributing to the forum with any new content.

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