
Do you reward admin/mods with prizes or incentives?

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Do you reward admin/mods with prizes or incentives?

What type of incentives or prizes do you offer admins or mods to reward them for good work done on your forum?


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Once a year, I give out gift cards to my staff members, usually on birthday or Christmas. It's a nice motivation for staff members to be recognized on a special day.

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Once a year, I give out gift cards to my staff members, usually on birthday or Christmas. It's a nice motivation for staff members to be recognized on a special day.

But wouldn't it be better to do some kind of monthly prize drawing for mods so they are encouraged to do a better job? A year is a very long time to wait for some kind of prize.

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When my husband was managing the forum of their office, they have a budget for the staff in the form of a monthly allowance. It’s not substantial but the token of $10 is fully appreciated by the staff. And they also have a Christmas gift and a year-end bonus. Working as a staff is like being an employee with benefits although as I said, the amount is not substantial compared to the work of the mod and admin. That’s why I was kind of surprised when I got an invitation to be a mod in one forum. No compensation whatsoever huh.

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