
What are the signs a forum is in trouble?

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What are the signs a forum is in trouble?

Are there any warning signs that a forum might be sliding in popularity or have an underlying problem such as spammers or trolls?


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If you are not getting new posts daily, that could be a sign you need to advertise more for new members. Sometimes loyal members will quit and go off to other forums or just get busy with life. There's never a good time to just rest when it comes to forum ownership; you must always be looking for more members who will post otherwise your forum dies.

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I don't consider spammers and trolls as trouble for a forum. I look at them as spice of the forum. In fact, there was this forum with new spam posts daily and the members were calling the attention of the admin about it. The real trouble is when the forum is not moving anymore. When I check on a forum and find it inert, no new posts, I would exit. When I come back and see the same condition for a week, that's really big trouble for it's tantamount to being in a coma.

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