
How do you deal with double posts?

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How do you deal with double posts?

Sometimes, we get an accidental double post on the forum and that's easily dealt with by deleting the copy. Other times, I see where a new member will copy a very old discussion and repost as new. I'd prefer they take time to reword the new discussion (so as not to create duplicate content). What's your thoughts on double posts? Or, where someone copies an earlier post as new.


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I do not think that it is acceptable for others to just copy what someone else has written. To me that would be a blackhat thing. I see no point of doing that. Either you have something to say, or do not answer!

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Sometimes posts get posted twice, like there is a glitch or something. It is an accident on the part of the poster. However it is wrong to copy and paste word for word. I have seen some sites where the poster will copy the poster ahead of them and then post it as their own. Looks really silly as well, and makes the person who posted it look dumb.

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I dont think it makes sense to post an already posted piece,to what end.I will find such a forum very boring.

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I know that I am guilty of this. I have double posted in a forum before. But then I have also been on one that said this thread was posted in the last 5 minutes so it does recognizes the double posts. But it is not acceptable to copy and paste from any other forum or from that forum as well.

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This reminds me of my mistake a few weeks ago. I was posting in one forum using my tablet. Sometimes the tablet wouldn't sense my finger so my tendency is to repeat the pressing. After sometime, I was shocked to see that I had posted the same comment 4 times. Worse, the forum had no delete key so my 4 comments remained. I just don't know what the admin did.

With the topic of double posting, it is okay in one occasion because that can be treated as an honest mistake although the double posting depends on the kind of post. I continually use a notepad where I keep a copy of my posts and sometimes I also note down some posts that I would post at a later time. With that kind of method, it is possible to make a double post of the same comment in 2 forums. But again, that would be an honest mistake. For a deliberate double posting, that is plagiarism already.

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It did happened a couple of times at other sites where I double post the same content. I quickly delete the second post before I am being reported.

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