
Which forum niche is hardest to compete in?

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Which forum niche is hardest to compete in?

Wish I'd known before starting a general chat forum how hard it was going to be to get new members. There are just so many successful (as in huge) general chat forums already up. And, mine is just a tiny fish in a very large pond. If I had to guess, I'd say that general chat is the hardest forum niche to compete in. Though maybe gaming forum would be equally hard as there are so many of those forums already. What type of forum niche is hardest to compete in, from your own experience?


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I never knew that a general forum would be hard to compete in. But if you say there are many then yes it could be hard. However I would think that many would want to sign up for a general forum because there is so much to talk about. I do think that weightloss would be another one that would be hard to compete in as it is so saturated already.

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General and gaming I agree on. And yes weight loss is very concentrated.

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It seems like there are so many sites on anything these days. I think that in order to compete you have to really know your niche and keep up with the content to draw more people to your site.

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The niche with the most number of forums is the hardest, I think, because it is very common. How would you make it appear that your forum is different from the many? Let’s take the case of the local horse racing forum. In the beginning, there were only 3 and when the number of forums reached 7, it looked very saturated that all the communities were thinning. That means there are no new users. It’s like the new forums are just getting the existing members of the other forums. That means your forum should make a difference in order to compete with those in existence.

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