
Small changes in Order Links

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Small changes in Order Links

Previously, when linked to the order URL a user that was not logged would be redirected to the homepage. This is bad for sales and especially bad for any website that links directly to their service order URLs. Now the unlogged user is forwarded to the login page, which allows the user to click through to registration. Once registration or login is completed, the user is then returned to your order URL.

When clicking Order from your service page, the same flow occurs. Previously, clicking order from your service page when not logged in would return the user to your service page, not to the order URL.

Finally, you can now add your affiliate link directly to the order URL as per the standard format /linkin/xxx/ -


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Great improvement, thank you.

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Great! This always drove me nuts!! Thank you :-)

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nice move. Thanks

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Great..... Small changes in Order Links

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greatSmall changes in Order Links

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Tommy Matalino
Cool Jordan. Is there a way we could make any link our affiliate link without manually adding "?id=xxx"?

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Nice Small changes in Order Links
Thanks for sorting this out Jordan. Small changes in Order Links

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Nice fix to generate sales and not frustration for buyer or for seller, to a competitor's gig.

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Thanks jordan

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Thats What all of us wanted ..
This Order page redirection functions Benefits are ..

1- Rate of registrations will be increase from affiliate links ...
2- Chances of instant order at the time of click will also increase ...

Suggestions ..

Its my view i dont know you will like it or not ,Jordon Brother.

1- Is that possible to add any highlighted link or button of main service page Likes/Collect for future .. this is because when some one come to order page and suppose he.she dont have time or money to purchase then they can collect this gig for future ...

Think about it ......

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Thats What all of us wanted ..
This Order page redirection functions Benefits are ..

1- Rate of registrations will be increase from affiliate links ...
2- Chances of instant order at the time of click will also increase ...

Suggestions ..

Its my view i dont know you will like it or not ,Jordon Brother.

1- Is that possible to add any highlighted link or button of main service page Likes/Collect for future .. this is because when some one come to order page and suppose he.she dont have time or money to purchase then they can collect this gig for future ...

Think about it ......

Yeah, or better yet, how about if there's a Coupon Code for any particular Gig, perhaps instead of the User having to Enter it (or remember it), they can simply Do any Social Action (share, tweet, like, etc) to Redeem Gig's Coupon Code!!
Then, it will automatically be entered for them too!!

And maybe the Seller's Affiliate Link would be included in the Social Share the Buyer does to reveal Seller's Coupon - so the Seller can hope to get affiliates for giving the Discount!! Win-Win!!

Be sure to Visit the Pages from the SEOClerks Blog by Clicking on each Image Below for FREE Promotion and Exposure for your Services:
Small changes in Order LinksSmall changes in Order Links
Small changes in Order LinksSmall changes in Order Links
Small changes in Order LinksSmall changes in Order Links

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That is nice discover. It is really great idea. i think for this change seoclerks will grow their sales also.

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