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This part will cover off page optimization and what you can do in order to achieve higher rankings in the search engines
Off page optimization is the act of building content and links on different website and blogs in order to make your website and/or blog more popular in the eyes of the search engines. Doing this takes time because it cannot be rushed or you will be given a penalty to your rankings by Google, Yahoo! and Bing. Not all of them will penalize you for the same thing, so you have to play it safe.
If you'd like to skip ahead to a section you know you need help with, use these links:
Part 1: Domain Registrars
Part 2: Hosting Companies
Part 3: Web Design
Part 4: Advertising
Part 5: On Page Optimization
Part 7: Client Relations
And Here, We, Go!
Starting your off page optimization can be a daunting task if you don't already know what you're doing. Don't worry, I'm here to hold your hand through it
A lot of sellers here on SeoClerks will offer top rankings after they're done, but that can't be guaranteed and anyone that says they guarantee a #1 position should be avoided. Real sellers will tell you up front that they cannot guarantee a #1 position but they can get your keywords moving up. They cannot give you a guarantee because they do not work for the search engines. And even if they did work for the search engines they still wouldn't know the exact method in order to get you ranked.
Step 1: figuring out what you need
Figuring out what your website needs is the toughest part of off page optimization. There are so many types of links out there and people think they need 1,000 links from all the popular websites, which isn't true. If your website is 1 to 6 months old I would recommend going slow on your link building. I say this because you're still in the probation period and Google will be watching your growth. If you register a domain and have 1,000,000 backlinks the next day you'll most likely end up on page 50 while Google analyzes your links and website. The only time a website jumps up like this is if they went super viral right off the start, and that's extremely rare.
If your website is new, start building a few links here and there or hire a seller who does manual link building over the course of 2 to 4 weeks so that everything is more natural. After a month or so I would think you can amp it up slightly and get a few more links that month. You want to stay off of the radar right now, I know that's tough because you want to get all the traffic, but this is the safest way to keep your website from gaining a panalty and you'll elongate the life of your domain name.
If your website is older than 6 months you can do a lot more linking than you could if it were a newer website. This is because of domain age and domain authority is now on your side. You haven't spammed a million links and the search engines now like your site a little more than they did 6 months ago Focus on tiered linking so that the "link juice" will flow down to your main pages. This has always been a great way to jump in the rankings as long as it's done right. Avoid link wheels at all costs because they can just destroy your website if done wrong. Link wheels use to be great until the search engines started catching on and penalizing all the websites that had them.
Focus on high pr links even though pr doesn't matter as much anymore. I say focus on high pr links because those website will have a good domain authority and domain age, both which are good for ranking your own website for your keywords.
Step 2: Getting Social
As soon as you register your domain name you should be on every social platform setting up a page for your website. Even if you don't plan on using the social platform, at least you have your page made and no one can make it later and impersonate you.
Be active on your social platforms even if you only have 10 followers. Whether you have 10 or 10,000 followers, be helpful and curtious and they will treat you the same. The more information you share with them, the more they will share for you ;)
Post good content to your social platforms. Take your time to type something up, don't just share a link you found on someone elses website. Your followers are following you for your information and posts, not someone else links. Posting links to other peoples websites will lower your followers because if they think you're not the originator of the post, why would they follow you?
Step 3: Press Releases
Press releases have gotten some negative feed back recently because they were seen as a way to spam your backlinks across the web. If you can find a credible service that charges a fair amount per press release then you'll see the benefits in the long run.
A good press release will land you on news websites that have a lot of traffic. This traffic tends to click through to your website even if they don't intend on buying. This isn't always a bad thing though, I had a press release go viral once and had 1,000 shares and made a good amount of money from the people who shared to their friends. I didn't make money off of the people who shared my press release, I made it off of the people who saw their friends share a news link ;)
There's a lot more involved in off page optimization but it's difficult to give an exact guide on it because every website is different and the campaigns can vary drastically.
This is just part 6 of 7 in my "Start To Finish - Building A Website And Profiting" guide.
Stay Tuned!
- Razzy
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