
50 Social Media Marketing Tips - Part 2

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50 Social Media Marketing Tips - Part 2

Hello and welcome to Part 2 of the 50 Social Media Tips that will Empower and Supercharge your Social Media Marketing Success! In the first part, we shared 10 tips that any social media marketer should know and apply. And in this second part we are sharing 10 more social media tips to help you get the most out of your social media marketing. So let's begin!

Tip #11: Don't leave any empty spaces in your social media profiles.

Don't leave blank areas in your social media pages where there should be information about your business. Each social media site provides space in which you can enter details about yourself or your business to people and people do check these to see what is said. These spaces on your profiles give you a chance to sell yourself and your business to people, it tells them why it is they are following you and what they can expect from following you. When you leave profile bio fields blank, it looks like you just don't have anything that interesting to say and who wants to follow someone that isn't very interesting? Not me!

Tip #12: Establish and build relationships with other businesses.

Not all your rivals are your competitors. Some of them can even help your business to stay afloat and prosper. If you have similar businesses to yours in your industry, you should try to make friends and form some kind of partnership or alliance with them. It could be possible that you could link to them or even they link to you as your partner company, that way, their followers or circles become your followers or circles and vice-a-versa. Considering how their followers will already be partially interested in your products and services, forming an alliance with another similar company to yours can end up being quite a prosperous partnership. You scratch their back and they will scratch yours! The best thing to do in these situations is literally contact them and ask if they want to be partners. Tell them you have their link on your site as a related site or in your partner links page and chances are, the majority of them will reciprocate and do the same for you and your site or social media page. Also, occasionally tweeting them will encourage them even more if they can see that you're doing that and will be more likely to do the same for you!

Tip #13: Dealing with Internet trolls.

Every Internet business or online social media profile or page will come across people that are out for no good. They may even be abusive or try to trip you up on purpose so they can use it as fuel to make themselves feel better about their day or something I don't know! Nobody really knows why they do it but the bigger you get, the more chances there is that you'll come across a troll and knowing how to handle and deal with them professionally can help you from becoming a victim of their hatred and abuse. When dealing with trolls, never retaliate, always stay calm and be polite. Sometimes you can just ignore them if they're asking a question that's trying to catch you out or isn't really related to your business, in these cases, you can just ignore them or you can block them. But be careful just blocking people because that can backfire on you if they've said something negative about your business and you delete their public message and block them. In these cases you should respond in a professional manner and deal with the matter first. If they keep trolling your page and making unjustified remarks, then would be time to bring out the ban hammer.

Tip #14: Keep work and private life separate.

When you're at work all day, it can sometimes get stressful, so when you leave the office for the day and go home, that is your time to relax and unwind from the busy day you've had. That included on your mobile as well. If you have a smartphone which most people do these days, you'll probably have social media apps on them for Facebook and Twitter etc. These are okay if they're for your personal accounts but if they're for your work accounts for your business, you'll basically be taking your work with you wherever you go and that includes from office space to home space. If you're happy sitting up until 1 AM in the morning, responding to tweets and engaging with people on your Facebook page 24/7 then that's fine. But it will make you a much better worker in the day time if you separate both work time and home time activities. Of course for newer business you're starting, I get that it can be important to be fast and responsive to your followers on social media, but try to keep work stuff separated from life stuff else you're probably going to get burned out quick and have less energy in the day time to deal with work stuff.

Tip #15: Stop with the hard sell all the time!

You could call it a "cardinal sin" and many businesses are guilty of doing it. They try to sell sell sell to their followers 24/7 and some people just get fed up with it and stop following you! When people follow you, it's because they like your brand or product, they like the personality of your business, they're following you to be entertained or just to find out about things pertaining to your business industry. When they're constantly being pushed to buy buy buy, they can quickly grow annoyed of this and will stop following you and remember it and never follow you again. People will be ready to buy from you in their own time and will seek you out when they are. Remember, it's not all about just selling as it is keeping people happy with freebies and stuff. Stuck for ideas? Check out How to Find the Right Followers for Your Social Media Pages and Profiles. It will give you ideas about what sorts of things you can post to your social media profiles and pages to keep people happy following you.

Tip #16: Keep them eager and wanting more.

Of course, it goes without saying that in order to keep people eager and wanting more, you need to post content that they're desperate to see and get their mittens on. If possible, you want all your followers to be waiting around, refreshing your social media page to see what's new because they just love every word that comes out of your mouth. In order to do this, you need to post valuable content that you know they like and post it often. That way they'll literally be like hungry puppies waiting for their owner to put the food bowl down so they can dig in!

Tip #17: Make sharing easier.

Okay I know this one is quite obvious, but if you want your content to get shared, you have to give them the tools and options to do so. Most social media sites provide share tools from the post itself, whether that's for sharing it on the same site or onto another site. But that's only half the job, you want to put your content out in a way that makes it easy for people to distribute it and makes them want to as well. Make sure that your share buttons are highly visible and attractive and are in the right place. At the end of the article is the best so they can share it once finished reading.

Tip #18: Talk about what you're sharing.

A lot of people are guilty of sharing something and not writing anything about it such as why they're sharing it in the first place. But it's well known that shares that have a comment about why it's being shared get much more reshares. So when you're tweeting something, or liking something or sharing something to your social media pages, don't just share it, comment on it too! Tell people why you're sharing it, talk about what makes it significant to you, use a call to action asking people to reshare it if they like it. Chances are they will like it if you do so it gets you more reshares. That's why they say "sharing is caring" and that "it's better shared". But by commenting on the things you're sharing, it shows you as an expert in what you're doing and adds more value to those things too.

Tip #19: Check your grammar and spelling!

You are running a professional business right? So bad grammar and spelling shouldn't have any place in a professional, literate company. Using social media lingo is one thing, but having bad English and poor writing skills are another and that will reflect badly on you as a business if you make a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes and make no effort to fix them. If you're not good at English, writing, grammar or spelling, get a spell checker or ask someone to proof read things for you, before you hit that send button!

Tip #20: Know the posting rules and guidelines.

Each social media site will have their own rules and guidelines on what kind of content they do and do not allow. Obviously most of it is common sense, don't post anything that isn't "safe for work" or "family friendly". But do take the time to familiarize yourself with each social medias rules and posting guidelines as they do often update and change these as time goes by. If you breach their terms and conditions you could get your account suspended or worse, banned and removed and that wouldn't look good for your business now would it!?

And that's that! That's 10 more (total 20 now) social media tips that you will need to know and apply in your social media marketing efforts to help you get the most out of your efforts. Let me know if you have any questions or wish to discuss and talk about anything of these tips shared here and I shall be glad to oblige and help out.

Tomorrow I will be sharing another 10 amazing tips so watch out for them!

Cheers and to your success!



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And here it is. Part 2. I've been looking forward to it and you've once again shared amazing tips that one can follow. Keep up the great work! 50 Social Media Marketing Tips - Part 2

Best Regards,

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Very good tips again Mike. I really enjoy reading your posts and waiting for more 50 Social Media Marketing Tips - Part 2

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Good tips. I cannot agree more with the point that when someone posts on a social media platform, it is not just about posting for the sake of posting, and it is as if anything is ok. In reality proper spelling, grammar and sentence structure matter a lot! I cannot stand posts that are written in a way that make you shudder with errors and mistakes all over! It reflects badly on the business and makes a good number of people feel less inclined to read it, and, much less willing to share it. Being aware of posting rules and guidelines is also important so that you avoid infringing anything and ending up getting banned or suspended.

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good guiding sir,,iam very glad to hear your explaining about this tips,,also be a learning for us as the beginner in online income industries
i will try .. and dont forget to your next writing discussion
thanks very much

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I wonder how to make an effective hook so your followers will be asking for more. Maybe a regular posting of relevant and interesting items will keep your followers interested on your posts. And when the time comes that you don’t post in a day or two then they will be asking you about it. But again, sometimes it is easier said than done because relevant posts are not easy to make.

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