
Should past due quick deliveries be automatically refunded?

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Should past due quick deliveries be automatically refunded?

Currently if you do not deliver a quick delivery order on time it will automatically cancel and refund the buyer. Do you believe it should automatically cancel or present the buyer with a link/button to cancel the order immediately, if they choose (giving the buyer the option)?


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I think it will be better to give the buyer the option for choosing automatically rejection or manual rejection after the deadline has past and the work has still not been delivered. It will be good if after the buyer has provided instructions, there is an option to choose whether they want it automatically rejected or a link for them to reject the service after the deadline is met. If he doesn’t choose anything, then it will be set to automatic rejection. Some buyers may want to give sellers more time, while other buyers may want it automatically rejected if it is taking too long so I think there should be two options and the option should go to the buyer.

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Quick deliveries means quick deliveries. No need for any extensions for extra days or anything like that at all. If a seller fails to deliver in time, then it's the seller's fault. No matter the reason. However, I would like to see an option for a refund rather than automatic refunds. Just an easy "click here to get 100% of your money back" or whatever should do the trick. I do understand that there might be some really legit circumstances or reasons for the seller to fail to deliver in time, but I do feel that the seller should have to put in "some extra effort" to keep the money regarding a late delivery, by discussing this with the client. Then it would ultimately be the client's choice whether or not to request the refund or not.

Best Regards,

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Maybe there should be option to get refund for only extras you paid for quick delivery and option to extend delivery time. Or something like that

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It would not be a bad idea. I believe that just as the seller had the option of providing this feature, the buyer should have the option available at his disposal to get his money back, especially if he sees that he is not going to get what he paid for. Obviously the best thing would be for both the seller and the buyer to communicate with one another so as to reach a consensus.

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Hi robertman11 thanks for open a nice topic regarding SEOclerks recent changed featured like quick deliver option. And at this moment going on much contention about this featured about merit and demerit function involving buyer and seller aspect. Recently this featured working as if seller fail to deliver job within deadline according to quick deadline, order will cancel automatically. It is looking very fair for buyer. And it is meaning that complete order will cancel. I mean if buyer order for $30 +$10 for express or quick delivery and if seller fail to deliver order within quest time total $40 will cancel. I propose such way system can work only if seller fail to deliver order within quickest way only extra amount will refund like $10 which buyer paid for express delivery and I do not agree $40 will cancel and order will become normal mode. And if buyer want to cancel even after. He can cancel order forcefully or mutually.

Thanks by Ajlancer

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I am agree with Ajlancer
He describe total view of buyer and seller points
I think it will more helfull if Seoclerks takes this kind of steps on Express delivery

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Hi If seller failed to deliver Quick delivery, order will be auto canceled . My question is will it affect seller rating?

Just asking because in some circumstance seller can't able to fulfill delivery within 24 hours.

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The quick delivery time is set by the seller and must be half of the original time/days or less. It isn't 24 hours. Having it automatically canceled will not result in a negative rating, as of now.

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Hi vinothmech if seller fail to deliver order within quick time and within new deadline, full order will cancel with extra paid. And due to fail of deliver order, seller rating will not be affected. But do not forget value of this featured. Quick deliver means buyer want service more urgent and he paid extra amount. So, do not missed to deliver within quick due date. And other fact is buyer will get bad experience from you for further purchase and if you fail one time, it is meaning you have missed chance to get him another time as repeat buyer. Which may affect very much to grow your online business.
Hope you get answer.

Thanks by Ajlancer

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I think the extra amount for quick delivery should be cancelled but not the entire order, that should be given to the buyer as an option to decide to cancel the order.

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That is actually a great idea. Perhaps an option to the buyer for cancelling the order completely or allowing the order to continue with the extra amount refunded?

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Yeah, I like this idea. I prefer to see the buyer having an option to cancel the late delivery immediately instead of automatic cancellations, (As stated in my post above). But what you've mentioned now would be outstanding, so I'd second that! Options to cancel the entire order immediately and to cancel the quick delivery and be refunded for that extra would be great. That will allow buyers to be refunded the extra amount for the quick delivery and it will also make it harder for sellers to earn that amount, even if they would deliver late. As I can clearly see a few buyers not caring about the extra for quick deliveries if they got their delivery an hour or two late, it's still a great option to give them their money back in case a seller fails to deliver in time.

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Yes I do sympathize with sellers, perhaps there are unforseen circumstances and they have done 90% of the work already, and then the entire order gets completely canceled. I am not a seller but I think that would be unfair to the seller.

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Please how can I take my money refund in my balance if my order is cancelled. Can I transfer it in my Paypal account? How to proceed. Thanks a lot for the answer.

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Hi - this discussion is about Quick Delivery. Please contact support on the helpdesk for issues that are support related.

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