
When is Seoclerks Going to Approve my service?

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When is Seoclerks Going to Approve my service?


I created a service and now the service is still waiting for approval, My question is when my service going to approved by SEOCLERKS admins, Any time Frame ?


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Hello djrizz,
There are so many services made every minute here and recently staff is doing strict moderation for new services to avoid spamming. Also you can contact support anytime for helpWhen is Seoclerks Going to Approve my service?

Farah khan

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Maybe you can clarify what type of service you tried to create? As far as I know it should not take long for a service to be approved.
Probably you are not aware that there are guidelines that aim to guide sellers on the types of services that can be accepted here. These are the Responsible Listing Guidelines, and it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with them prior to creating a service so as to make sure you are going to abide with them.

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Hi thanks for letting us know about your concern regarding service approve. Do you know SEOclerks Listing Guidelines or SEOclerks term of service (TOS)? if you read that I think you should understand why your service yet not approve or disallowed. I think your service disallowed due to contradictory with Listing Guidelines. According to new listing guideline any social service disallow. For example Facebook like, followers, promotion and twitter like, followers and something like that type of service not more allow on SEOclerks. I suggest to you please read Listing Guidelines and try to follow their rules and try to create SEO related service here. If you feel anything against you, please contact with support team they should clearly you with exactly reason.

Thanks by Ajlancer

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