
Biggest problem you're facing in your freelancing / blogging / entrepreneurial journey?

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Biggest problem you're facing in your freelancing / blogging / entrepreneurial journey?

What is the biggest problem you're facing in your freelancing / blogging / entrepreneurial journey?

Let's discuss our weaknesses!


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Hello seoguru24x7,
The biggest problem for me, or at least my biggest concern, that would be my monthly income. I've been working as a full time freelancer for a few years now and as a freelancer, for me at least, my income vary from month to month. I might earn more than enough for my expenses one month and the next month earn just a fraction of that, which obviously makes it harder to pay for all my expensives. As I have a team of people working for me, my income is important not just for me, but also for them.

What I've been trying to do is to have enough savings for the "bad times", so I could just still be focused on the upcoming month, but unfortunately, I haven't always been that fortunate. During my whole career I've thought about quitting this at least a couple of times, even though I love what I do. Passion isn't enough though. Passion won't pay my bills. That being said, I've always, to this point, managed to stay put and keep going.. And hopefully, I'll be hanging around for many more years to come!

Best Regards,

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I have faced same kind of problem at my starting point of career. Slowly my client list keep growing and orders came rolling. Now I have a steady team of 15 members, but I don't hire them on salary basis.

I hire team members on pay per order basis, so they know if there is no order / work , they will not get any payment. Luckily all my team members are flooded with work.

You can see, there is no pressure on me at all. If I have no income I don't have to pay my team members. I know this process does not work if you have a office environment.

Beside my CLIENT SEO work, I have always tried new things for secondary source of income.

Have you tried anything else ?

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I do pay most of my members on a "pay per order" basis and they usually have things to do but whenever the sales are low, they're still in need of money, as they also needs to pay their expenses.

My main business would be brand building and I've been involved in numerous projects aside of that. As I do love to invest in things, I usually bring money into things and help others to launch their projects and products. Due to sheer ignorance and being stupid, I've probably lost more than $50,000 in total by doing so.. I quite recently got ripped off by one of my childhood friends. He stabbed me in the back so to speak and I wish I'd never had helped him out, but, that kind of things goes straight into the "experience box" and I'll have to learn by my mistakes.

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My biggest problem is time management when there are certain weeks when it seems everybody wants to place an order! There are times when orders are few, and times when the order list is overflowing and it is really difficult to keep up. Unfortunately it is not something that I can handle myself when it comes to being aware when a client is going to need to place an order, as it is something that I have no control over. So at times I end up quite relaxed, but other times I am super busy and under pressure.

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Hi Thanks for your very interesting question. I have started my freelance career more than 7 years before and when I jus seeking job here and there beside freelancing. I was uncertain will I continue this job or not? And my family pressurize on me to do something job or business. And in the follow years I join on SEOclerks and really I got everything here if you say job and if you say business. And when I become a fulltime freelancer or outsource contractors either ordinary job and when I start to earning noticeable money here, my friends and family always curious to knowing what I do? If I say I do freelancing, most of the asking what is this? Because, in that time very poor amount of people aware about this type of job. But ultimately I could persuade them this is freelancing and I do job with foreign and local client and I get paid for them.
So, it is was not big problem as freelancer which I had facing but not much little too. Because it was social status issue

Thanks by Ajlancer

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Same thing happens with me. I was doing a job and then decide I will start freelancing full time.

I don't understand what do you mean by social status issue ?

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I totally agree with hitmeasap on this. In this freelancing career you can not really evaluate the risk factors as its totally dependent on buyer frequency. In my whole journey here of 2 years I faced some problem in the beginning but now in 2 years I learned to stay average on sales. To keep the balance as a weapon I used my aff website and ranked that to first page of google and now I am getting stable orders atleast more than what I expected so I am happy.
Problem : In the starting it was really hard 1 week fully back to back orders and the second week nill Biggest problem you

Solution : In the starting I didnt know this freelancing and social media grows and updates this fast so after some time I managed to start multiple business on internet now I am really happy and satisfied with the earnings and stability.

I think every business, job or freelancing needs some time to understand the flow frustration just makes everything worse but its a bitter truth of freelancing so we have to deal with it. I have done job I have done business and I am doing freelancing and in these 7 years I prefer working online out of all.

Farah khan

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Just like me ... order frequency is a bit of a problem. The only way to try to spread out orders more evenly is by contacting the regular buyers and inform them i am too busy at the moment. They are very loyal and always ordre from me, and generally when i am truly busy they bear with me and tell me they prefer to wait a couple of days than hire someone else. But you cannot do this with new buyers as they might think you cannot be trusted, and you can thus lose sales easily.

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Lack in sales are truly devastating. Which is why I'm always trying to find other income streams. Such as small projects to invest in, or to put in the necessary money someone needs to hire a good graphic designer for instance. And for that, I'd take a small commission. With that being said, I've lost a lot of money in stupid investments and I've lost money due to fake friends during the time I've been working online and those bad experiences, have made me more careful, which is a bit annoying sometimes. I want to be impulsive as I've always been, but I would like to be a bit more careful so I won't end up doing the same mistakes again.

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At present, my biggest weakness is the lack of time. When something comes up in personal matters or in my career, I would run out of time for my online chores. I admit that my freelancing is low priorit that's why I consider myself as still a newbie. Right now there is a ton of work in the office so I am using my relaxation time to post in this site.

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I think my greatest problem is the lack of time to do more work daily since I'm combining it with my wifey and motherly role.It not easy running the home with tiny kids and freelancing couple with the erratic light in my location.One could just begin to post some comments and bum, the light goes off and it might take the next couple of hours for it to be restored, so my earning journey online as not been an easy one.

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Generating regular traffic and converting the traffic to sales is my biggest problem. I have a handful of sites and I am not receiving enough traffic.
Another problem I am facing is building contents. Since I work alone, I don't have time to build contents for my website. When there are no enough contents, your website ranking will not improve. sadly, I don't have a budget to hire a writer to build contents.

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My concern had always been the need to provide regularly for household expenses. Currently, my regular source of income had been the content mill and this is typically supplemented by other earning sites. There are far more lucrative ways to earn as a freelancer but they will take time to develop and I don't have much time to spare at the moment, Sometimes, it feels like I'm living a double life as I have offline versions of what I'm doing online. That is, I'm holding a part time accounting job and a small business leasing out a vehicle. In truth, I need all the money I can get, and have less time to develop potentials for more earnings.

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earning is also one of the biggest problems I am facing currently. I work for clients, but getting freelancing jobs is bot very reliable. This December, I got two ebook writing jobs and nothing else. On November, I got numerous article writing jobs, web designing job, social media marketing job. The irregularity of jobs is my problem. I never have enough work on my hands.

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That is the biggest challenge that I see in freelancing – getting an amount of work commensurate to the money that you need. If you have a family and your livelihood is freelancing then it is a given that the time will come when no job is in sight which can make your family hungry. I am freelancing on my spare time and I cannot imagine myself living off from my online income because of the meager earnings.

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Unless you have built your own residual income source or have built a business that generates you money, it is difficult to make a living through freelancing. If you have a blog/website that receives a large traffic and generates money, you have built a strong residual income source. If you have an online store and sale a lot of items, you have a strong income source. However if you are just a freelancer looking for work opportunities on freelancing sites, you might not have strong financial position.

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My biggest problem is my limited knowledge about the things that are needed for my job. I have to always learn new things and search for new information because my line of work is actually different from the things I do with my freelance job. I am an upcoming teacher and my major is English language and I can only use that for my freelance writing job. However, I also have differet jobs ad they require skills related to I.T and computers.. etc. For me, that's my biggest challenge and that's also what I am thankful for because I get to learn a lot of new things even if I get stressed sometimes because of over-working myself with the learning and doing routine I'm doing. Hopefully I'll be able to take an academic program related to my freelancing job because so that I'd become better with my craft and become somewhat like an expert instead of a novice.

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