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How to Bid on People's WTB's and WTT's Be Hired and Get Work as a Freelancer
If you're a freelancer and can do a service of some kind and want to find some work, the SEOClerks WTB and WTT section is where you can find people who want to hire you!
But how to know who's hiring?
This is where your skills come into play! If you put your skills as keywords in your profile, when people use those keywords in their WTB's and WTT's, you will get a notification about it. So if you have SEO, SMO, SMM skills or have skills blogging, writing, translating, or with WordPress or Windows, VPS, etc etc, put those words as your skills in your profile.

Then when people put those keywords in their WTB in the skills field, you are going to get a notification about that telling you that some member has just started a WTB which you may have the skills to complete.

Then all you have to do is visit that WTB and place your bid on it! Obviously doing that doesn't guarantee the buyer will order from your bid. But there are some things you can do though to increase the chances of that...
A Lesson in Bidding on People's WTB's
It's a little annoying when people bid on your WTB's for things you don't want, need or ask for. It's a waste of time for the WTB starter, it dilutes and devalues the WTB and turns it into a free for all smorgasbord for anyone to bid anything. That's not what they're for! I understand that people want to make money. I get that! But there's a place for everything and everything in a place! And I know some things are related and might be what the WTB starter might be interested in too such as if I was to start a WTB asking for YouTube subs, someone might place a bid for YouTube views or likes too. That's not too bad but still annoying. But it's when people bid things not even remotely related such as if I start a WTB asking for YouTube subs and someone places a bid for SoundCloud views or something, it's like what!? For starters, I'm specifically asking for oranges not pears or bananas. Not only is it a waste of time for me as the WTB starter but you're also wasting your own time by bidding something I'm not looking for and anyone looking for what I was originally looking for by browsing the WTB section isn't likely going to want that either. All it ends up doing is making a mess of the WTB itself and WTB section and making you look like a wally at the same time!
Where's Wally? He's in your WTB that asks for blog comments placing a bid for SoundCloud views! Because you know, they're sooo relevant...
Rant over. This is all logical. For the above stated reasons. Don't place a bid on someone's WTB unless it's specifically what the WTB starter is asking for!
How to increase the chances of someone hiring you from your placed bid?
What's been said so far are some good things to think about, but nothing says it better than bullet points so let's shoot!
- Be fast. Try to be the first bidder, first bids show you're active and fast - people like that!
- Be helpful. Only bid what the buyer is asking for and nothing else.
- Be fair. Don't bid a ridiculously high price! People want value for money.
- Be ready. If they buy from your bid be ready to start working on their order.
- Be professional. Provide what they wanted and deliver it in time.
- Be strong. Sometimes they might not buy from your bid. It's okay you can't win them all!
So be fast, be fair, be helpful, be ready, be professional and be strong. People like it if you're a fast worker who's responsive and doesn't hang around. They like it when you tell them exactly what they're after, they like it when your price is fair and reasonable and they like it when your professional in your approach. That means be clear and concise and don't use bad grammar, spelling mistakes or
txt spk. And be ready to be able to do the work for them as soon as they give you the require details. And lastly, be ready to not get picked. You won't win every WTB you bid on, be prepared to accept that. But don't let it put you off from bidding on other people's WTB's in the future. There are many people creating new WTB's every day!
How to get more WTB notifications?
Have more skills! But don't blag it! It's true the more skills you have that you put in your profile skills field, the more WTB notifications you will get when someone starts a WTB. But don't put skills there that you don't have! You can of course if you want, just to see what comes up, but definitely don't bid on people's WTB's for things you don't have the skill to do because if they buy it and you can't do it that is going to be a massive waste of time for the buyer and make you look bad.
Of course, even if you don't have the skills to do something yourself, it doesn't mean that you can't get the job done. Maybe you know someone that can do it, perhaps for a smaller fee than you're charging so you could give the work to them to do and then deliver it to the buyer when they deliver it to you. But doing this is not recommended if you're not
100% sure they can do it exactly how the buyer is asking. Plus you will have to pay for it upfront and if the quality of the work is poor and there's no refund option, you will have to deliver this to the buyer who may reject it and wish to cancel. That will mean you loose out and are out of pocket!
So for this reason you should only put skills in your
profiles skills field that you actually have or can do. Whether it's through yourself, your friend or standby freelancer.
- To do that, go to your settings page, then enter keywords as skills you can do in the Your Skills field.
How to Place a Bid on Someone's WTB?
This doesn't really need explaining, placing a bid on someone's WTB is the most straight forward and easy thing to do. But not everyone gets it right! For that reason, I've made a small mini-tutorial guide on how to do it.
WTB = Want To Buy
WTT = Want To Trade
WTT's are a little different to WTB's. Instead of people asking for something they'll pay you in cash with, these are people that are willing to trade something with you they
have for something they
want. So for example; Ted could be looking for a VBulletin license and might have some WordPress themes he can trade with you for your VBulletin license. You see how it works? It doesn't just have to be products or files you can trade for what you want, you can trade your skills and talents for it too.
When you place a bid on someone's WTT, you should put what it is you can do and whether you can provide what they're asking for. The WTT starter will then be able to contact you so you can arrange to do the trade. It's as simple as that!
It's the same thing for the WTT section too. Only post things that are relevant to what the WTT starter has asked for. Use the mini tutorial above as a reference.
Okay this should hopefully
reduce the amount of irrelevant bids people place and also
increase the chances of your bid being accepted and you being hired!
To your success!
Thanks by Ajlancer Hi idealmike thanks for your very good tutorial. I'm sure this tutorial should be helpful to new buyers and sellers. Especially those who do not know how to create a want to buy (WTB) according to his own requirements and want to trade another good section on SEOClerks who want to exchange service with each other. Both section are very unique on SEOClerks. But nowadays lots of spammers make spam in WTB section and doing fraud. And they offer to seller to join his own website for same service. I think SEOClerks has to do more regarding this section. I also reported previously. Thanks by Ajlancer
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