
Check website Online/ Down coded in Visual Studio (

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Check website Online/ Down coded in Visual Studio (

This software will check if website is Online or Down. Set url to text box and click check website.

First we need to add the following components from the toolbox to the form:

  • 1 Label
  • 1 Textbox
  • 1 Button

Change Label1 text to “URL
Change Button1 text to “Check Website

And it should look like this

Check website Online/ Down coded in Visual Studio (

After adding all components to the form, double click to button1(Check Website) and add the following code :

If My.Computer.Network.Ping(TextBox1.Text) Then
MsgBox(TextBox1.Text & " is Online ", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Info")
MsgBox(TextBox1.Text & " is Offline ", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Info")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(TextBox1.Text & " is Offline ", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Info")
End Try

Then click "Start" to run the software

Check website Online/ Down coded in Visual Studio (

Software In Action....

Check website Online/ Down coded in Visual Studio (

Happy Coding Check website Online/ Down coded in Visual Studio (


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