Go for high PA/DA expired Tumblr's and get same benefit of having PBN.
Tumblr is the most popular Web 2.0 and one of the most powerful and trustworthy domains in the world with a Moz DA of 99.
There is no question about that Page Authority (PA) is the key factor in deciding the quality of the web 2.0. In this gig I'll give you list 20 of expired Tumblr blogs with a PA 27+ so you can either register on a new account or add to your existing Tumblrs.
These blogs will not be registered when you purchase them. Please check out gig extras for that. (Recommended, saves alot of time)
I don't offer market/niche specific blogs, sorry.
I personally check each expired Tumblr for availability right before fulfilling the gig, but if there are any problems I'll gladly replace them.