
One Click and get Customer Review for $15

Level 1
Attention: The owner of this service has not logged into SEOClerks for more than 30 days. It is highly recommend that you contact them before ordering this service. Last Login: 643 days ago
Supported Operating Systems:
Any operating System
Additional Requirements:
No any requirements just need a any operating system

One Click and get Customer Review

This code will create a simple customer feedback tool with two questions that ask about the customer's satisfaction with a product and their likelihood to recommend it to a friend. The customer can select an emoji to represent their response to each question, and the feedback will be stored in a JavaScript object. When the customer clicks the "Submit Feedback" button, their feedback will be displayed in the console and an alert will be shown thanking them for their feedback. If the customer has not answered all questions, an alert will be shown asking them to do so.The code is also responsive, with the layout changing to a horizontal display on screens larger than 768px.

What's included

DocumentationSupportResale Rights


Customer View Tool Best Html New Fast Calculator Convertor Website PDF


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$15 - In stock

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