
send keyword target organic website traffic from usa, adsense safe for $28

98.1% (52)
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send keyword target organic website traffic from usa, adsense safe

Real visits - no bots! Beware of other sellers selling similar services thru automated bots.

We don't use any BOT, SOFTWARE, TOOL OR TRAFFIC EXCHANGE SITE(hitleap, 10khits.. i.e.) to provide fake visitors.100% GUARANTEED.

We guarantee keyword targeted organic visitors from google with a low bounce rate(less than 30-35%) and long visit duration 100% guaranteed.

Within 48 hours order start
Delivery sent at goal completion.


  • 250+ daily visitors for 30 days.
  • High-quality keyword targeted visitors.1-5 keywords/phrases accept
  • Traffic come from google search your target keywords
  • Long visit duration(Depend on the package you choose)
  • Low bounce rate(less than 30-35%)
  • Visits from the USA

  • You may receive sales or opt-ins, but they CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, as well as ranking. We can't control visitors' actions.
  • WE DO NOT accept YouTube, download link


organicv sitors adsences fe usavisit rs


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