send AMAZON traffic to increase your product ranking
Increase you Amazon product ranking (and therefore, sales) with cheap Amazon Traffic. FEATURES:
- Worldwide Amazon Traffic, mostly from US (40%) and EU.
- Visitors will search Amazon's home page for a keyword related to your product and then click your listing in the search results. This process is expected to increase your listing's ranking position in both Google and Amazon search results.
- I accept only 1x Amazon Listing per order.
- You will receive 2.000+ UNIQUE VISITORS PER DAY, uniformly distributed across 24 hours for a variable amount of days, depending on the amount ordered.
- Want a higher daily traffic flow? Order this service multiple times!
- Want traffic over longer periods of time? Check service Extras below!
- ExtraFast will be considered a TIP for my efforts
- We do not guarantee any sales resulted directly from the traffic sent. However, more traffic = better ranking => more exposure => sales++
- Depending on your competition, ranking increase may require large amounts of traffic, therefore we cannot guarantee that your ranking position will increase after only a few visitors.