5000 keyword targeted google organic web traffic
Everybody knows that more often people are visiting your website from Google.com, better are your Serp positions becoming.
Especially when users are spending a lot of time surfing on your site.
What we will do in this service?
- We will enter your keywords in search engine
- We will find your website in search
- We will go to the target page
- We will surf on your website 3 and more minutes
So what you will get for 1$?
- Direct hits from Google on your website during 15 days
- You can select 1-5 keywords
- 300-350+ hits daily directly from search engine
- Each session lasts 1-3 minutes
- Different IPs and Internet Providers
- Different browsers and OS
- Natural traffic from SERP
- Lowering of Bounce Rate!
- Raising in positions
- Increasing of CTR of keyword
- 50% traffic from USA and rest from europe