promote your website/product/link to a large audience
Get High Quality Real Traffic From Large Social Media Site
Best promo gig! YOUR message tweets to my loyal and active followers! I'd like to tweet a link to your site, apps, shops, stores, affiliate links or whatever message you'd like me to say on my 5 high quality accounts. I guarantee the effectiveness of my tweets.
Most of the followers are from USA, UK & Canada
Your link or URL will be tweeted from all accounts. You will get 500-1000 views to your link/URL/Product instantly.
Your message will be hash tagged so that it will get maximum exposure.
* No adult or hate content please. All links must follow TOS.
Is this the type of thing you can help me promote? Is there enough time, since my sweepstake ends Dec. 14? If I want to order, what do you need from me?
I look forward to hearing back from you as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Mike I am currently running a sweepstake to give away a high-end juicer which ends on Dec. 14.
Is this the type of thing you can help me promote? Is there enough time, since my sweepstake ends Dec. 14? If I want to order, what do you need from me?
I look forward to hearing back from you as soon as possible.
Thank you,
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