
GET 5 off by gtmtracking5 - I will fix set up google tag manager tracking for WordPress and Shopify for $25

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GET 5 off by gtmtracking5 - I will fix set up google tag manager tracking for WordPress and Shopify

If you want to re-marketing with your website on Facebook, you have to set up FB pixel.
Coupon Code For getting an Extra 5%off: gtmtracking5

When you will ready for FB pixel setup, You have to look on professionally.
FB pixel is kinds of two:
1. Manually
2. Professionally
1-Manually is the default setup with the Facebook events tool.
2-Professionally is advanced setup with tag manager.
When you will set up with tag manager, You will get custom setup access, Which is more helpful for understanding & more and more tracking functions.
So, right now you have understood how I will set up your FB pixel store.
For understanding you-
I will set up FB pixel with tag manager.
I will set up a pixel track with the best planning. Like a customer behavior-page view, product page, single product page, add to cart, checkout, Thank you page and specific button, etc.
So, If you are interested in my service, you can order my service. I will try to help you with my best.


What's included



googletagmanager gtm googleanalytics4 googleanalytics facebookpixel googleads


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$25 - In stock