WANT TO RANK WEBSITE IN GOOGLE?We will review the WordPress website and check the current performances of your site and send you a detailed report.We recommend this service before you start any optimization campaign for your website.Our WordPress site audit report will give you peace of mind. With a website review report, you'llbe able to fix issues that may have a negative impact on your rankings.OUR WORDPRESS SEO AUDIT WILL GIVE YOU :
✔ Robots.txt✔ Sitemap.xml✔ Mobile Friendly✔ Empty title tags✔ Duplicate titles✔ Too long titles✔ Empty meta description✔ Broken Links✔ Too Big Pages✔ Review Competitor's Keyword List✔ title and hyperlink for every page
✔ Keyword Overview
✔ title and hyperlink for every page
✔ Content Review
And many more.