These are some reviews from my competitor. You will need to mimic this style of reviewing, but try to add more value. Remember its not a sales a pitch. Be critical. but if the site does look very good then its ok to talk good about it.
I will give you 2 sites to review as a test. Please take your time to study my competitor. Even find more reviews from his site so you can exactly understand the style of reviewing. Do not try to sound like a university graduate. You need to sound like a regular un educated american. Also do not try to "fluff" the reviews and add words and stories just so you reach 200 words. I want you to add as much value as possible in each review. Talk the truth. If the page is ugly, too many adds, confusing, low quality. Then please say it in the review.
Start with these 2 (my porn comics section) (my celebrity porn section)