
Custom Order for $25

88.9% (27)

Custom Order

The task is to populate this PowerPoint document (see link at the bottom of this message) with the coolest and most trending custom build Seiko watches and Seiko mods (not regular Seiko watches). For this task, I would like to have 96 watches found please. So this means 12 pages. I have already found 2 watches for you as an example.

So the goal is to find the ones with the highest views (in the case of reels). I'm trying to find the watches that people find the most exciting that interests them the most. Please get a mixture of watches from different IG and TikTok accounts (i.e. please do not include more than 8 watches from 1 single IG or TikTok account).

I'm not sure how to find how many likes there are on image posts. If you can figure out a way to see that, then please do include images and # of likes in the case of images.

So in total it should be 96 watches (2 already found) and approximately 48 is from Instagram and 48 is from TikTok. It doesn't have to be exactly 48.. just roughly 50% / 50%.

For these these PowerPoint pages, please group into themes / styles of watches. I have provided two groups as examples already: see the pages "Colorful Seiko Mods" and "Stealth / Blacked Out Seiko Mods". Based on your search for trending watches, you can create new group names for the remaining pages. You can also have the same title for more than one page if you find that it's very popular and if there's many different styles in that theme / style of watch, but please do not do more than 2 pages for style / theme.

Please make sure the URL is clickable and links directly to the Instagram or TikTok post. Please also ensure the view or likes # is correct.

Please let me know if you can take this task and do it well and looking forward to working with you ????.

Thank you kindly,


PowerPoint File Attachment:

Powerpoint file Includes 2 pages with 1 watch found each to show you as example, and 10 blank pages. In total there is placeholder 94 watches for you to fill in.


1 reviews

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1 year ago
Terrible job. Seller does not deliver the task correctly and did not follow clear feedback repeatedly. The end product is not usable and the seller still asked for payment.


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