So, you have been affected by the last Google penalty?
I Will find all spammy or bad links and will upload this file into Gooogle Disavow tool so your website will recover right now.
Take action now because it will take time for gooogle to consider ranking,
I use other sources so you can get all your backlnks.
Remove Spam Backlnks Using Gooogle’s Disavow Liinks Tool.
1) Clean up yours website badlnks
2) Low-Quality Directory lnks
3) Do-Followed Paid lnks
4) Non-relevant lnks
5) Dead And Broken lnks
We will analysis all your BackLink and will make a list of low quality back liinks and them disavow them.
By doing this your website will achieve ranking again.
Service Features:
1) Detailed report for Unnatural/Bad URLs, if your site have up to 1000 Back-liinks in total.
2) Express Delivery - i will completed your order in 1 day.
What you will get in this Gig :All Backliinks detail