I will publish your original, 400+ word travel related guest post to my high quality PR 6 travel blog. Topics allowed include travel, tourism and culture (the culture of a people/country/etc).
SEO Magic - Hosting your guest post on a website with a high Google Page Rank such as mine (PR6) boosts your priority in search engine results, increasing exposure. Also, enjoy quality backlinks that will increase your websites' standing in the eyes of search engines. Your guest post is PERMANENT on my blog You get 2 DOFOLLOW links Social Media BONUS! I will also pin and post your article to my: ☺ Pinterest board
☺ Tumblr blog
Article Submission Rules 1) At LEAST 400 words in length. Quality, proofread article
2) Topic must be TRAVEL related (see above)
3) NO direct promotion of a specific business/product/website/etc
4) Anchor text (the text you click on, linking to a URL) must be words within the article and not a URL
5) Images - 2 maximum
6) Video - 1 video max 7) Content must be 100% UNIQUE. 8) No links to questionable content (porn, gambling, dating, etc)
I am eager to earn your business. It will be my pleasure to work with you.
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