write a blog post on my quality GAMING blog with a backlink to you
I have a nice GAMING and COMPUTERS related blog. I will write a guest blog post about your topic (300-400 words) and will put a dofollow backlink to your website with desired anchor text to help you rank higher on google.
- 100% unique content with good English (not spun or software generated)
- Fresh gaming content on regular basis published
- Regularly indexed by search engines and panda/penguin safe
- No risky links and posts (gambling, pharma, adult)
- Your backlink will stay permanently and will never be deleted from a blog post.
- After I deliver your order feel free to ask for some changes if you think something is not good.
Important (before you order):
Your website must be gaming or computers related or I will not accept your order. I do not publish irrelevant posts or links on my blog.
Check out my Gig Extras
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